Intelligent pedestrian crossing solutions for pedestrian safety including RRFB and HAWK systems
Warning signs with embedded LED’s as per manual on uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD) specifications
Traffic management displays for emergency messages ,traffic congestion, accident details or other information
Real time clock cloud configurable school zone flashing lights and signs
Smart wrong way alert systems for detection of vehicles traveling in the wrong direction
Chevron signs or other advanced curve warning signs with embedded LEDs
Uninterrupted power supply with hybrid systems of solar and AC power supply
Combination of day light visible LED’s, configurable for 24*7 usage, pedestrian or motion activation or scheduled operation
IOT enabled and cloud configurable with latest RF,GRRS and network connectivity
Compliant with applicable standards for highways ,streets and public infrastrucutre use
Monitor and control all your intelligent traffic solutions from a central dashboard. The dashboard allows: